Our Yoga Client Journey
January 21, 2023
Our yoga client journey
- Free consultation- Come talk with Brandon, see the gym and create a profile.
- Free first class- Lets sign you up for your free class or Two week trial.
- 2 week trial- Dip your toes in the water and see what we are all about. Get a taste of a variety of the classes we offer.
- 2 sessions per week- You might be just starting out, start by coming to class twice a week. You owe yourself 90 minutes a week of YOGA minimum.
- Unlimited- You have seen the benefits of yoga in your life and you are ready to make it part of your daily routine. Sign up for unlimited and see how a daily practice can change your Mental, physical and spiritual health.
- You have become a lifetime member and a lifetime yogi, enjoy moving better and feeling better.